Thursday, 16 August 2018


Depression & anxiety affects most of us, it may be you, a family member or a friend. Most of us have seen or felt the drastic impact depression can have.

As a depression & anxiety sufferer I deal with negative thoughts. Over the years I have learnt a few ways to deal with these & I wish to share them with whoever finds this little blog to try and help or make an impact on someone!

One: Make a happy box!
I found this a massive help. You could buy or find a gorgeous box and fill it up with happy memories (pictures, tickets from an event, letters from friends). I always put a stress ball into my box and squeeze it when you have anxious moments. If you are a self harmer you could put distractions in there such as play doh/ slime (keeping your hands busy), again a stress ball and an elastic band to do the old flicking on the wrist trick.

Two: Mindfulness.
This one has been proven to work by many people so you may of seen this one floating around the internet. Keeping your mind clear is a big part of dealing with mental health issues, at first it can be difficult and may sound impossible but after a few go's most people see a difference. Meditation is one of my favourite ways to reduce negative thoughts. I use apps such as CALM & HEADSPACE for guided meditation but if easier for you youtube have many videos of guided mediation.

Three: Art.
Well I am not saying you should try and become the next 'Banksy' or 'Picasso' but adult colouring books are a really good way to reduce any bad thoughts as your brain (and hands!) and very busy. If this isn't for you, you could paint, draw etc. Conveying your thoughts into art is a form of therapy some mental health professionals actually use in mental health hospitals for their patients and does receive rather good feedback.

Four: Clean, Clean, Clean!
This may sound odd but for me personally cleaning around the house disreacts me completely! I mean they do say organised house- organised mind! The smells of cleaning products can help certain people with their anxiety & you also get a sense of pride when seeing the finished product! If you live at home with parents organise your bedroom & have a clear out. Trust me on this one- get out the zoflora!

Five: Make time for YOU!
Make yourself feel good. Have a bubble bath (or use a lush bath bomb like I do!), put on a facemask, light a candle & watch Netflix. This usually makes me feel 10x better, take some time out of your day and look after yourself, you deserve it boo!

I hope these tips help you, whoever you may be! 
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Thankyou for reading! Rachel Emelii x

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